It has been a little quiet on the
gaming front for the past couple of months since my son joined the family. It
has been way too easy to just go home, watch TV and hang out with him! As luck
would have it though it seems that my hobby mojo is coming back thanks (as
usual) to the announcement of a couple of new tournaments, plus getting out to a few gaming days or events over
the past couple of weeks!
Next up: FlamesCon 2013 – Late War GT
In 1956 the President of Egypt,
Gamal Abdel Nasser announced that he would nationalize the Suez Canal. The threat of access being restricted or lost
caused France and
Britain to travel down the
path to war with Egypt, with
Israel acting as the third member of
the alliance.

For the better part of a year I
have had figures lurking in a box in preparation for a 1956 Israeli Tank Company
using Blood, Guts and Glory as my template list (at least until I get around to
making up a “proper” list). The Israeli army in the post war error was a jumble
of equipment purchased (and I use that term in its widest possible context) from
a variety of sources.
- 32 M4 (105mm) Shermans bought from surplus in Italy
- M4A3 (late) bought from the Philippines
- M3 Halftracks of every type bought from all over the place...
My list is going to comprise of
the following (all Confident Veteran):
Company HQ
2 M4A1 76mm Shermans
1 M32 TRV
Tank Platoon
2 M4A1 76mm Shermans
1 M4A3 (late) Sherman
Tank Platoon
2 M4A1 76mm Shermans
1 M4A3 (late) Sherman
Tank Platoon
2 M4A1 76mm Shermans
1 M4A3 (late) Sherman
Field Artillery Battery
HQ Section
4 M2A1 105mm Howitzers (these
will be played by British 25pdr guns)
The list is a bit of a compromise
between what I can reliably expect to paint over the next couple of weeks, what
was (more or less) in service together, and the lists as they stand in BGG. From
my reading I should have chosen to use the Confident Trained list from BGG but
there was no way that I was going to get it all painted in time as I would have
added a platoon of infantry (using a mix of figures from the British
Commonwealth Infantry blister) and some recon.

As for how the list will perform
– I am not really sure. Veteran tanks with high AT guns are normally a good
option in Flames Of War, and American artillery is quite powerful thanks to the
Time on Target National Rule (another thing the Israeli artillery should not
really have), but it is still a fragile force that will not like coming across
20 T-34/85s – but then I guess that is something that historically they would
not have been keen to face either!
Once I have the last of the
vehicles assembled I’ll take some photos of the work in progress.